Sunday 28 August 2011

POGO - HarryPotter/Hook/Alice/Pixars UP/WillyWonka

Nick Bertke is an Australian. He is from Perth, he is a sampler and he gets people to call him Pogo. The difference between him and other samplers is that he picks a theme and runs with it for an entire EP. He started off with Disney movies and has since grown to anything that tickles his fancy. His ability to mash up samples is quite amazing and each song achieves a melodic ambiance that really captures the theme he is running with. Early themes such as Hook and Alice in Wonderland showcase his madness.

Pogo - Alice by Syxxia

After moving onto sampling Harry Potter his notoriety grew to where he was commissioned by Pixar themselves to sample their then up and coming animation UP. This no doubt helped his previous songs with Disney as soon after all samples were cleared and he started selling his work.

Pogo - Alohomora by bascatgirl

Pogo- Upular by ekoutez

He is currently on tour in America. With any luck he will make his way to this side of the pond, along with Ratatat. pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. ENJOY!!!


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